International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: July-September | Volume: 9 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 242-249

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20240329

Effect of Neurobic Exercises on Cognitive Function in Older Adults

Dr. Nidhi Devdatt Narnavre1, Dr. Nidhi Suthar2

1First Year MPT (Neurosciences) student, 2Assistant Professor
JG College of Physiotherapy, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Nidhi Devdatt Narnavre


BACKGROUND: Neurobics focuses on brain exercises. The brain exercise program includes changing daily routines to engage the senses—vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Neurobics activate neuronal systems and increase blood circulation to the brain—aging-related cognitive decline and cognitive impairment greatly impact. Cognitive issues like dementia can lead to disability in older adults. Prioritizing overall health is essential for independence and quality of life. Neurobics means “Neuro + aerobics = Neurobics.”
PURPOSE: Neurobic exercises are a type of brain exercise that aims to stimulate the brain by challenging activities. The primary goal is to enhance memory and cognitive abilities.  It is done by utilizing our non-dominant hand to brush our teeth, combing hair, buttoning clothes, etc. This study finds out the effectiveness of neurotic exercise programs on cognitive function in older adults.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To find out the effect of neurobic exercises on cognitive function in older adults
METHODS: An experimental study was done on 42 participants aged between 65-74 years, both males and females were included. Patients are conveniently divided into two groups.  Group 1 Interventional group receive neurobic exercise, and group 2 control group receive standard care. The Mini-Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (New Zealand Versions - 2020) was used to assess the cognitive functions in older adults before and after the treatments. (4 days/week for 2 weeks.)
RESULT: An independent t-test was employed to compare the groups; the results showed that, for cognitive functions in older persons, p = 0.002 was significant. The t values between the groups were t=29.3 in cognitive functions, respectively.
CONCLUSION: The study concluded that neurobic exercises effectively improved cognitive function in older adults.

Keywords: Neurobic exercises, cognitive functions, older adults, Mini Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination scale.

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