International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2021 | Month: October-December | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 198-204

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20211028

The Effect of Pregnancy Exercises on the Sleep Quality of Pregnant Women in the Third Trimester of Ulaweng Health Center Work Area, Bone Regency

Indryani1, Mustar2

1Institut Sains Dan kesehatan Bone 2Institut Sains dan Kesehatan

Corresponding Author: Indryani


Sleep disorder is one of the most common complaints experienced by pregnant women in the third trimester, sleep disorders have an impact on the condition of pregnant women and fetuses which cause a decrease in immunity that improves the  risks of some diseases that will  endanger the condition of the fetus and  the risk of premature delivery and Caesar surgery.  Pregnancy exercise is one of the basic needs in sport that is recommended during pregnancy. Pregnancy exercise is expected to reduce complications that occur during pregnancy, because it has the benefit in training breathing and strengthening the pelvic muscles. This study aims at determining the effect of pregnancy exercise on improving the sleep quality of pregnant women in the third trimester. This type of research is a pre-experimental one group pretest and posttest with a research design using a quantitative approach. Based on the results of statistical tests through the Wilcoxon signed ranks test that the exact sig value. (2-tailed) and asymp. sig. (2-tailed) or p = 0.03 <0.05 so it can be concluded that pregnancy exercise affects the sleep quality of pregnant women in the third trimester. It is recommended to health workers, especially midwives, to conduct more intensive counseling, especially counseling about the benefits of doing pregnancy exercises, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy to provide a sense of comfort to pregnant women and to prevent complications in pregnancy to reduce the cases of maternal and infant mortality rates during pregnancy at Bone District.

Keywords: [Pregnant Women, Pregnancy Exercises, Sleep Quality]

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