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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: October-December | Volume: 3 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 245-256

Factors Influencing with Malnutrition Pregnant at Tigi District Deiyai Regency

Naomi Edowai1, A.L. Rantetampang2, Yermia Msen3, Anwar Mallongi4

1Magister Program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura.
2,3Lecturer of Master Program in Public Health. Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura
4Environmental Health Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Corresponding Author: Naomi Edowai


Background: Pregnant women health problems are one of the aspects that pay attention to and still occur in Indonesia are cases of chronic energy shortages which can have an impact on the health of pregnant women and babies caused by factor’s including age, education, employment, family income, parity and knowledge of pregnant women, frequency of eating and resting patterns.
Research Objectives: Factors related to Chronic Energy Deficiency (CEL) in pregnant women in Tigi District, Deiyai ​​District.
Research Method: Analytical with cross sectional study design. The population is all pregnant women who were registered in April 2018 in Waghete Health Center and Damabagata Health Center in Deiyai ​​District with 291 people and a sample of 168 people randomly. Data obtained using questionnaires and analysis using chi square and logistic binary regression.
Results: Factors related to the incidence of CEL in pregnant women in Tigi District Deiyai ​​District were education (p-value 0.019; RP = 2.255; CI95% (1,188-2,280), occupation (p-value 0,000; RP = 6,338; CI95% (3,019-13,303), knowledge (p-value 0,000; RP = 11,503; CI95% (5,404 - 24,485), frequency of eating (p-value 0,000; RP = 15,996; CI95% (7,336 - 34,881), rest pattern ( p-value 0,000; RP = 6,061; CI95% (2,707 - 13,569). Whereas the factors not related to CEL events in pregnant women in Tigi District, Deiyai ​​District are age (p-value 0,261; RP = 1,554; CI95% ( 0.797– 3.029), family income (p-value 0.254; RP = 1.520; CI95% (0.808 - 2.861), parity (p-value 0.310; RP = 0.539; CI95% (0.202 - 1.442), birth distance (p-value 0,585; Rp. 00,669; CI95% (0,245 - 1,826). The frequency of eating, knowledge, work and rest patterns is the dominant factor with the occurrence of chronic energy shortages.

Keywords: Malnutrition, Pregnant, Health Public Centre

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