Year: 2025 | Month: January-March | Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 212-217
Stretching Exercise as a Rehabilitation Modality for Cardiovascular Disorders: A Brief Review
Chamatkar Nagar
MPT (Orthopaedics); In charge, Adarsh Chander Medical Centre, Rohtak.
India is amid a rapid epidemiological transition due to increasing prevalence of diabetes and hypertension. Static stretching of the skeletal muscles accrues the benefits of exercise without its accompanying physical stress as in case of aerobic exercise and resisted exercises. It is advantageous treatment for those with reduced physical capabilities and can be done without any additional equipment, facilities, or other expenses. Recent studies have indicated that stretching can reduce arterial stiffness resulting in reduced blood pressure in hypertensive patients and also supported that stretching could results in better glycaemic control and muscle function in diabetic patients. GLUT-4 is the glucose transport protein and is the main mediator for glucose transport into the skeletal muscles which is increased following exercise. Studies conducted till date on use of stretching exercises have limitations and there is dearth of literature on suggesting use of stretching exercise in patients who are suffering from both hypertension and diabetes. Hence, there is need for further research to be conducted.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, stretching, aerobic training.