Year: 2025 | Month: January-March | Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 166-172
The Knowledge and Learning Needs of Nurses Working in and Maternal and Neonatology Unit on Perinatal Mental Illnesses.: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Linsu Thomas1, Dr. Deepika Cecil Khakha2
1Nursing Officer, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi
2Nursing Advisor to Govt of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Corresponding Author: Linsu Thomas
Perinatal period is a critical life period for all women as they are going through different physical, physiological, hormonal, psycho-social and emotional changes. Risk factors and poor support system can complicate pregnancy, child birth and postpartum and can result in mild to severe symptoms of mental illness, the incidence of these mental illnesses are very alarming even though the actual number is not being calculated because of personal, professional and social barriers. To ensure the mental health of both mother and infant the nurses working in maternal and neonatal care units should have adequate knowledge. The current study assessed the knowledge level and learning needs of the nurses by using a descriptive cross-sectional survey method among 54 nurses. And the results showed a remarkable deficient knowledge level among the subjects especially on the postpartum mental illnesses, its identification and screening and the management measures. The administrators and institutions should take necessary action to educate the nurses on speciality care in frequent basis so that an effective and collaborative care can be ensured.
Keywords: knowledge, learning needs, nurses, maternal and neonatology units, perinatal mental illnesses