Year: 2025 | Month: January-March | Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 26-30
Folic Acid Deficiency with Inadequate Antenatal Care as Risk Factor of Spina Bifida: A Case Report
Parswa Diah Pradnyandari
Intern of Obstetric Department, Karangasem, Indonesia.
INTRODUCTION:Folate (vitamin B9) is a type of essential nutrient which recommended supplementation for all women, particularly those planning to conceive, because, periconceptional use decreases the occurrence and recurrence of fetal neural tube defects (NTDs). NTDs develop when a portion of the neural tube fails to close normally during the third and fourth weeks after conception. With Myelomeningocele (spina bifida) is the most common neural tube defect.
CASE PRESENTATION:A 20 years old pregnant female came to Emergency Departement with complaint of abdominal pain with history of improper knowledge of folic acid consumption in pregnancy and unroutine Ante Natal Care (ANC) then her newborn with 3100 gram body weight noticed with Spina Bifida.
DISCUSSION:Folic acid deficiency was a common risk factors which trigger NTDs upon newborn, the importance of folic acid during fetal development become a recommendation, for about 400 μg of folic acid has been recommended in the first month before conception and throughout the first trimester, other also suggest 400 μg of folic acid as a daily dose for five to six months before pregnancy as it take approximately 20 weeks to maintain the level needed to decrease the risk of NTDs
CONCLUSION:Spina Bifida is the most common Neural Tube Defects that happens on newborn baby, among all the risk factors which could triggers the NTDs, folic acid deficiency is the highest.
Keywords: Folic Acid Deficiency, Antenatal Care, Spina Bifida